• Due to current shelter capacity, we are NOT accepting surrenders for any dogs, cats, or small critters unless it is an urgent emergency. Please call 402-441-4488 ext 2 to be placed on a wait list and receive re-homing information.

TNR & Acerage Program

TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) & Farm Cat Acreage Program 

Here at Capital Humane Society were happy to offer spay/neuter services for free-roaming community cats, who live outdoors, and often receive food and shelter from one or more dedicated caretakers in our community. Free-roaming cats can also include owned semi-feral to feral outdoor or indoor/outdoor cats that reside on a farm or acreage in the country. 

What's included with TNR-Acreage Program - $50 per cat

Spay/Neuter Surgery, FVRCP Vaccination, Rabies Vaccination, Flea/Tick Preventative, Dewormer, Microchip, Ear-Tipping*

+Optional FeLv/FIV Combo test (additional $20.00 per test)

*Eartipping is the universal sign of an altered community cat. One centimeter (1 cm) is removed from the tip of the left ear in a straight line cut. Eartips are readily visible from a distance, making it easy for caretakers, trappers and animal control personnel to immediately identify a cat as spayed or neutered.

Please ensure kittens are 3+ pounds so they are big enough for surgery and rabies vaccination.

All cats brought in MUST be in individual raccoon size traps or small carriers. Feral cats will not be accepted in large kennels, boxes, etc. Only one cat per trap/carrier.

Cover the trap/carrier with a towel or sheet to minimize the cat’s stress level and view of its surroundings.

If you need to borrow a live trap, you can rent one from us for a $60.00 deposit that you'll receive the $60.00 when the trap is returned. 


If you're ready to schedule for a TNR or Farm Cat spay/neuter surgery please schedule an appointment at a link below. Please schedule an appoinment for each cat you intend to bring in as there are a limited number of cat surgeries available.

If you need to set up a new colony, please fill out the form below. Once the new colony has been created, we will email you to schedule surgeries. 



New Colony Application

First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2
City *
Postal Code *