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Halloween Pet Safety Tips

Halloween is a favorite holiday for many. With a little planning, you can prevent big problems.  

Here are some pet safety tips to remember:

  • Candy, especially chocolate, needs to be kept out of your pet’s reach. It can make them very sick or may even be toxic.  Treats should be stored in a place where your pet will not be able to access any.
  • Candles and cords that may be used for decorating can cause problems for pets who may chew on the wires or knock over the lit candles.  Use these items with caution.
  • If you plan to dress up your pet, make sure the costume fits and doesn’t impede the pet’s ability to move comfortably.  They still need to be able to hear, see, breathe, and communicate normally.
  • Keep you pets indoors and be sure your pets are wearing their identification tags. Consider microchipping as it will greatly increase the odds of pets being reunited with their families.
  • Consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about your pet’s health. 

To learn more about alternative ways to celebrate Halloween this year check out the information on the CDC website.